Disclosure: This post is sponsored by PetHub and I have been compensated for my participation. Daily Dog Tag only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. All opinions are my own.
In 2014 PetHub established July as Lost Pet Prevention Month. Losing a pet is scary for both the humans and often the pets. Sadly many lost pets never make it back home.
Here are a few of our strategies to prevent our dogs from getting lost.
Have A Routine When Visitors Arrive
With 3 small dogs, it is hard to keep track of all of them all of the time. Once we added Theo to the family, we instituted a new routine. When someone rings the doorbell, all the dogs go in their crates before we open the door. At first, I was reluctant to keep my guests waiting, but our dogs’ safety is really important to us.
Other people teach their dog to lie on a mat or bed. Having a safe spot will cut down on chaos when someone is at the door and minimize the risk of a dog getting lost.
When my sister’s dog Lulu was a puppy, she was staying with friends for a weekend. They had a party and Lulu slipped out unnoticed as guests entered the house.
Fortunately, a woman at a nearby bus stop noticed that Lulu was hanging around the front yard and rang the doorbell. She could have easily been stolen or hit by a car.
Secure Fences
My mom and my sister both have strong, secure chain link fences, but they aren’t a good choice for Nelly. She is small enough that she can squeeze through the gap between the gate and the fence post. Nelly is always supervised if she is in either of their backyards.
Fences can develop weak spots over time, check them regularly to make sure your dog can’t get out. If your dogs love to dig, be on the lookout for holes under the fence. Dogs can squeeze under the fence if the ground is uneven.
I dislike invisible fences for a number of reasons. First of all, I don’t like aversive training. Secondly, invisible fences don’t protect against a thief, stray dog, or wildlife. If the power goes out, an invisible fence may no longer work. Lastly, sometimes the temptation is just too great and a dog will risk the shock to greet someone or chase something. If that happens, a dog can easily get lost. Our neighbor relied on his invisible fence for his Boston Terrier. Unfortunately, he put the dog out during fireworks and the poor little guy ran off. He never made his way back home.
Teach and Practice A Strong Recall
This is something I am still working on with my dogs. Jen Gabbard from Puppy Leaks offers these 13 Simple Steps to Improve Your Dog’s Recall. I’ve had dogs all of my life, and I think everyone should read this post: Loose Dog? Don’t Chase! Throughout the years we’ve had the opportunity to try most of them with good success. When I was ten, our Yorkie slipped out of her collar at the vet’s office and ran away, towards a busy road. I grabbed her leash, held it up and yelled, “Polly, do you want to go for a walk?” Luckily she did!
Microchip and Tag Your Dog
Despite all the precautions, sometimes a dog is lost. The simplest way to reunite a lost dog with his family can be a tag with information to get him home again. PetHub ID has a lot of style options as well a collar with ID information right on it.
If someone finds your dog they can contact PetHub and help get your pet back home! They have a 24 hour “Found Pet Hotline” so if someone finds your pet, they will talk to someone who can help in reunite you and your dog. The premium subscription also notifies you if someone scans the tag as well as alerts shelters in the area that your pet is missing!
Microchips are an important part of keeping your dog safe. Make sure it is registered and keep your contact information up to date!
We’ve partnered with PetHub to create a terrific giveaway. One person will win $50 worth of PetHub merchandise (collar and/or tags) and two more people will receive $25 worth of PetHub merchandise. Open to US residents over 18 years of age.
Mr. N is the same way. He can wriggle through tiny tiny gaps. One time we were in someone’s yard and he wriggled through a hole (I did check the yard but I guess I missed it) and he was standing next to a busy street the next second. I called him and he came running but my heart skipped a beat!
We have decided to put a cone of shame on Nelly when she visits my mom’s house. That way she won’t be able to escape!
Great post and giveaway! We loved being part of this campaign.
These are great tips! We are always working on our recall, that is a tough one for sure!
Will be recommending this to my friends with dogs! So smart!
Keep smiling!
Molly | http://www.stylemissmolly.com
Thanks for the tips! I have five dogs, these tips will sure help me a lot!
I might be a little jealous that you have 5 dogs! I hope these tips will help keep them safe.
I had a cute little one wander into my yard. A chihuahua,Thankfully my dog was friendly to other animals and Harley let him come into our yard. It was late at night so in the morning we were going to take him to see if he was microchipped but a friend of mine recognized the dog and we were able to reunite Nacho with his family
Our dog is terrible about wondering off if we don’t watch her, especially in the summer. These are some really good tips and I’m going to look into some of them!
Xoxo takingonthekitchen.weebly.com
TG have never lost a dog but have helped friends look for one
I helped find our neighbor’s dog last year–he is so sweet…an older Golden Retriever! (P.S. I commented with a similar comment on another post–that was a mistake…meant to comment here! 😉 )
It is great when a community works together to help a missing pet.
All my babies are microchipped! It’s thé most important thing!! Thank you for these wonderful tips! It must be terrifying to lose your fur baby 🙁
I think microchipping is really important too.
Great post! I love the “Polly, want to go for a walk?” tactic! My family dog growing up always escaped – we would drive around with the car door half open to tempt him in because he loved the car! He gave up many a fright but thankfully always made it home and lived to be 16 – old for a border collie mix!
These are great strategies to prevent lost pets – there’s nothing more important than the safety and security of our pets.
Yes, several years ago, my 2 dogs broke through our fence. It took 24 hours but we found them. Such a relief!
Oh that must have been so scary, I am glad you were able to find them!
Great tips! Us cats are pretty good escape artists…’specially Wally. The mom really needs to keep an eye on him whenever the door is open or else he’ll go running out. Fortunately, none of us have ever gone missing.
I have tree large dos and they some how still are able to wiggle they my legs or hop a pet gate. So important to have your pets id great post.
We always take our dogs to their crates when guest arrive, but all of mine also microchipped.
I lost a dog and a cat many years ago. It bothers me to this day. Pierre did escape from our hotel room on the way home from BLogPAws. Luckily, he came back when he saw that I was hysterical. LOL!
I am glad Pierre came back! That must have been so scary for you!
We found a dog once. Tried to find his owner and couldn’t, so we kept him. He was an awesome dog. I think someone deliberately abandoned him, though.
I guess he was meant to be your dog!
After moving to our new home, Luke bolted out the door and disappeared, but thank goodness only for a short time. It was the longest 15-20 minutes of my life though! Since he is a fearful dog, it would be that much scarier if he got lost.
I like how you crate your dogs when company comes. We used to have complete pandemonium but because of Luke’s fear of strangers, I finally learned it was best to just put them in another room until people get in and settled.
I am glad you found Luke so quickly!
We are a big believers in microchips! Ruby likes to stay pretty close to us even in the house she rarely leaves our side. All the same, she always wears a harness and is never outside without a leash.
Yes, I have found and lost! My dogs got out of the gate when my landlord came by unannounced and let them run free. Luckily they stopped to munch on some cat food a neighbor left out for a stray.
yes I’ve lost my dog before, but he came home a weeks later wish he had a tag on him
i have lost a dog but i found her abt 8 hrs later. my neighbors had her and would not release her. she had wondered on their property. i even went over and asked them if they had seen her and they said no. i spent over 8 hrs going thru the woods, creeks, driving around the neighborhoods, the shopping center over a mile away and she was right next door in their house the entire time. i have found dogs and tried to catch them but they ran off.
I hope you got her back! They don’t sound like very nice neighbors.
no i haven’t
I tell everyone I know that teaching their dog a strong recall is the number one most important thing. It can save a dog’s life and I do speak from experience. These products look worth entering the giveaway for. Thanks so much!
Kilo is microchipped. He has bolted out the door when people were coming in and he has escaped his harness and run on the road. He gets so hyped he forgets his recall at first but then comes running back to me. Shaking a treat bag helps. Very scary so good tips.
I have found many dogs. Most have had an ID tag on but some did not and some were not current.
I love your tip about secure fences! Just last week we went up and down our fence line to see if there were any new holes we should look at securing with some chicken wire! Those doxies and clever and sometimes folks don’t think about this!
A dog is a real challenge to keep in a garden. When they get out they can be killed, or if its the wrong breed they can kill. It’s how we lost Dash Kitten. Secure fences are an investment for any pet owner for their own peace of mind.
We are huge fans of PetHub. I also have helped 12 dogs get reunited with their frantic pet parents, as they were all lost. I tell them about microchipping and PetHub. Thanks for sharing and writing this.
Great tips! Our Huskies are also microchipped. I added PetHub to our FiveSibe Facebook page’s list for Lost & Found Siberian Huskies and Pets.
Great advice and tips! Knock on wood I’ve never lost my dogs, what a nightmare that must be. Preventing it from happening is great advice!
If strangers come into our house, Mom Paula usually puts us in the bedroom and closes the door.
That is a smart idea, better safe than sorry!
These PetHub tags are so cute! I love the ones that have the web links on them. With cats, who rarely wear tags out, it is nice to be able to easily change the information as necessary.
I am so glad Lulu made it back to the party. Thank goodness for the woman at the bus stop. Hope she didn’t miss her bus. We had a scare yesterday when our new rescue – a major flight risk, did in fact BOLT!!! With the help of two cyclists and the quick actions of my husband, in his truck, they were able to corral him to safety. PHEW1
I’m glad you were able to get your new dog back to safety! That must have been scary for all of you!
Really loved this post!! I always help my dog training clients develop a great front door plan…whether it’s getting the dog to focus on them or using a placemat. It’s SO easy for little guys to sneak out…and they can be Ninja dogs!! I’m not a fan of invisible fences either…UNLESS the owner is always out in the yard with their dog!! Really glad you got Lulu back!!
My dogs have tags & are chipped. I’m always cautious, even in the yard. Shih Tzu happens, even at home. I like the idea of using your dogs’ crates when company comes!
Love & biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
How to keep our pets safe is always such a concern. Proper identification is so important. These are some great training ideas for dog owners.