It was a happy day when my sister Alice G Patterson told me we were going to photograph Lauren and Jimmy again along with their cockapoo puppy, Jackson!
Jackson started out as a coworker’s puppy, but he wasn’t a good match for the family. Lauren spoke up and the rest, as they say, is history.
Like all puppies, his teeth are super sharp, but Lauren and Jimmy keep a lot of good things to chew nearby.Don’t you love his eyebrows? Jackson has one of the prettiest and most unique paws I’ve ever seen.Jackson is definitely the perfect fit for Lauren and Jimmy! You can see more of Alice’s work on her blog.
Follow Alice on Instagram!
About Alice G Patterson Photography: Alice is a bi-coastal portrait and wedding photographer with a love of dogs.
Alice I think you are the best pet photographer I know! Look at the personality you captured!! Its amazing.
The 3rd photograph from the bottom is heart melting!
OMG, Jackson is so adorable! Look at his little paws! Those black dots are very unique and cute and the black and pink on his toe pads….Wow!
Wonderful Jackson and wonderful photos. He is just a little bundle of fluffy love.
I agree with Jenn! I bet Jackson gets anything he wants with those eyes 🙂