The best way to start any day is with a laugh. I was delighted to get an email from Ty Foster with images from his latest project “Lick“. You may remember Ty’s Dog Ink project, which remains one of my favorite features. His latest project started with some hilarious outtakes and then took a life of its own.
From Ty: “We’ve been working on this project since March, it’s been a side project more or less for the better part of the year and we are about half way done retouching the images. The project idea formed when I was shooting a project for another client and I was running through the images pulling an edit, I found myself stopping and laughing at all these dogs and their expressions while licking in the studio. The images weren’t intentional but just ‘bloopers’. It was then that I thought, ‘these would make a great book’! We had a few dogs left to photograph for the client so at the end of each session we made sure we shot some intentional images of the dogs licking. With a help of a few casting calls we were able to get a solid number of portraits. After seeing Carli Davidson’s Shake project and the brilliant slow motion video, I am a little disappointed I didn’t think of incorporating video into this, however we are hoping to create a book in the future with all the finished portraits.” You can get more information on Ty’s project on his blog. Be sure to follow Ty Foster Photography on facebook to stay updated on his latest work.About Ty Foster Photography: Based in Connecticut, Ty uses photography to tell a story and show the relationship between people and their four legged companions. Ty has an amazing Rhodesian Ridgeback named Tech.
These are fantastic! Such a cute idea!