If you have a weakness for handsome dogs like I do, you’re going to love these photos from Noble Soul Pet Photography And if you’re all about the story, well stay tuned, because Halligan’s amazing story will warm your heart. Halligan is a pit bull mix, and although he may have had a rough start, now he’s giving back to some of the brave people who deserve thanks all year round!
From Tiffany: “In addition to my pet photography business, I work full time in a veterinary clinic in Ohio. We helped out a very special dog who captured everyone’s heart in our local area.
Halligan was found in the middle of a snow bank on the side of the road. One of the volunteer firefighters who found him brought him to our clinic. Halligan was underweight and frostbitten. Our local fire station agreed to foster the friendly pit bull mix during his convalescence.
Halligan began to improve right away with good food, veterinary care, and a family of firefighters who already loved the little guy. He put on weight, his frostbite healed, and he got back to his exuberant self.
Follow Noble Soul Pet Photography on Facebook.
About Noble Soul Pet Photography: Located in Massillon, Ohio, Tiffany offers both studio and lifestyle pet photography sessions.
Let me just say that I absolutely LOVE this! It breaks my heart when people judge a dog by its breed and this is exactly why they shouldn’t. What an adorable pup!
Such an amazing story–and he is SO freaking cute!!!
What a brave dog!! His story is so special!
I love pitties already, but this pittie is so adorable! His tale is sad but heartwarming. So glad that the firefighters took him in! These pictures are so pretty.
People who agree with the nonsense of BSL and the Dangerous Dogs Act need to read more articles like this one. From a rough start this handsome pup got so lucky, and those firefighters are so compassionate to have offered Halligan a forever home. Sounds like a win win for everyone!
Oh my goshhhh, so sweet. Isn’t it the truth that humans (and kinda humans!) who have been through a lot themselves end up knowing just how to nurture and love others as a result?