Once again, I’m participating in one of my favorite blog hops, Blog The Change For Animals. All the participants have chosen a topic which they feel passionately about to help make the world a better place for animals. I hope you will take the time to read some of the other posts from this blog hop. Together we can make a difference!
Candice Thies from Sweet Rocket Photography sent me these photos of Ginger, a Beagle who was used in testing but now thanks to Beagle Freedom Project is finally free to live a better life.
“The smell is wonderful. My lungs expand and contract to inhale more and more. I run. I run and don’t stop. There is nothing that can stop me. I’m free. My heart is pounding out of my chest. Come on. Let’s run together.”
From Candice and Joshua: “I can only imagine that’s how Ginger (previously 021142) felt after Beagle Freedom Project (BFP) negotiated her release with a Memphis based animal testing facility. Earmarked and raised in captivity from a pup, she was now in a new alien world where everything was vibrant and colorful. BFP negotiates and facilitates the anonymous release of incarcerated Beagles from animal testing labs to fosters, and eventually adopters, to rehabilitate and give them the life that they deserve. BFP wants to eliminate animal testing but is willing to work with labs to prevent them from euthanizing Beagles after they are done ‘testing.’
Shortly after fostering Tommy (of the DC7), we were called upon again for fostering another East Coast release. Tommy changed our lives in more ways than we could have imagine; so, we knew we wanted to participate again. Of the seven released in Memphis, a sweet little girl (Ginger) picked us from among the potential fosters.
Ginger, 4.5 years old was malnourished and her skin was in poor condition. She had given birth to a litter within the past few months. Prior to release, she was spayed. She was also unable to bark and has a, possibly related, breathing disorder. Almost all labs debark the dogs so they are not able to bark or whimper during testing or while in the cage. Other health problems can be attributed to this procedure.
The transformation from feral to domesticated is a a heartbreaking process. She had to learn banal tasks, such as: eating and drinking out of a bowl, walking on surfaces other than a cage floor, going through doorways, and sleeping in a bed. Thankfully, her learning was accelerated with the help of her new canine companions.
After fostering Ginger for a few weeks, she had placed her paw print firmly on our hearts. She felt so at home that we decided to let her live out the rest of her free life with us. It must have been kismet because she was born on our wedding anniversary. She has learned to go up steps, potty outside, and play with toys; but most of all she has learned what love is. She still has her foibles but they only make her that much more adorable.”
You may recognize three of Ginger’s pack, Kobe, Avalanche and Affinity, my three favorite doxies!
Here are two EASY ways you can help Beagles like Ginger who are still being used for testing:
1. Sign this letter. 2. Look for the Leaping Bunny when you shop! Support cruelty free companies.
You can follow Ginger on Facebook as well as Beagle Freedom Project’s Facebook page.
About Sweet Rocket Photography: Based in Stanton, Kentucky, Candice is a portrait photographer specializing unique and whimsical portraits of pets and children. She has 3 Dachshunds, a fox hound/Beagle mix and now Ginger from the Memphis 7.
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Bethany says
Thank you for this wonderful post. Ginger is such a beauty and it warms my heart to see her beginning her “normal” dog life.
Maria @ The Good Life says
Awe, the photo of the tattooed ear just gave me chills. Poor baby treated like a thing. Great project indeed.
KimT says
What a sweet, sweet face!! Oh, that we see the day we no longer feel the need for animal testing! The thought of being confined to a small cage, not able to voice your needs or fears – and not even a bowl to eat from?! We must, must do better.
Awesome links here, you’ve provided us ways to begin helping right now. Happy, happy ever-after Ginger and family!!
Thank you for blogging the change for animals,
Angel The Alien says
I have heard of that organization before. I saw a video of them taking some beagles to a park, right after their release, where their feet touched grass for the first time. It made me want to cry! Hard to believe that labs are still allowed to use animals in this way.
Beth says
I had the same reaction when I saw that video!
Jan K says
Oh, what a wonderful post! Our posts today go hand in hand I think, and I’m so glad you shared a happy story (then why are my eyes watering?). Ginger is so adorable and looks so happy. It just proves that these beagles can go on to have meaningful lives when they get out of those awful labs.
Beth says
Thank goodness that Beagle Freedom Project works with companies to release the dogs! My understanding is that many Beagles are put down after their testing days are over.
Jackie Bouchard says
LOVE this post. We had a beagle for our first dog, so it breaks my heart that they are used for testing. We used to get dogs at the shelter I volunteer at that were used at a major dog food company for testing dog food – you’d think a beagle would love that job, and they probably would have if they were treated well – like family pets! We had one dog that also had to learn how to eat from a bowl. Broke my heart. Thanks for the tips on what we can do. I signed the letter and will start looking for that bunny!!
Michele Truhlik says
What a fabulous program, BFP! I’m so glad that you have brought this magnificent program to our attention and that Ginger has a new home where she’s no longer stranger to LOVE!!! Thank you for what you do!
Vicki Cook says
I love the Beagle Freedom Project and their mission to rehome these beautiful babies after they have “retired” from life in the lab. I hope that someday animal testing will be illegal and dogs, cats, bunnies, rats and other sentient beings will no longer be used for these purposes.
Beth says
I hope so too Vicki!
Alice says
I oppose all animal testing, and am so thankful to the folks at the Beagle Freedom Project for helping rescue the animals that they can. Its lovely to see that Ginger was united with a such a loving family and has both human and canine affection. Thanks so much for sharing!
Mark S says
Thanks for sharing Ginger’s story. I am going to head over to the beagle freedomprojects page to learn more.
Karina says
Thank you for giving Ginger her well deserved forever loving home!
Amy says
Signed. This testing is completely unnecessary. Should be banned. I can’t understand why it has not been yet.
Erika says
This simultaneously breaks my heart and restores my faith that there are still good people out there, like the Beagle Freedom Project. Thank you for sharing Ginger’s story – maybe if more people would associate a face with animal testing, they’d be more willing to help put an end to it.
Pup Fan says
The Beagle Freedom Project is such a wonderful organization. I’m continuously inspired by the work that they do and saddened that Beagles (and other animals) like Ginger are still subjected to these horrible conditions.
Thank you for highlighting the great work that they do and for sharing Ginger’s story. I agree with Erika that perhaps putting a face on animal testing will help people see what is happening.
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