The In Loving Memory posts are always so sad, but at the same time, so beautiful. These touching photos by Casey Hendrickson Photography show the love between this English Bulldog and his girl. While bittersweet now, I have no doubt that these images will just become more precious with time. I urge you to make the time to get your pets professionally photographed before it is too late.
From Casey: “Mojo and Brittany were best friends that spent every moment they could together. He’d go with her everywhere, they’d lay in the sun together, and snuggles were the best! Brittany has dedicated her life to helping other animals, and her giving heart has graced many lives. The hardest news came to Brittany when she found out that sweet Mojo had cancer, and it wasn’t treatable. She didn’t take a single moment for granted, and they cherished their time together every single day. When we did her photos, we had laughter, but we also had tears as Mojo showed Brittany his love towards her with sweet kisses and cuddles next to his mommy. We celebrated their bond, and I am so grateful I had this opportunity to capture these moments.”
Tissue alert! Brittany shared this account of Mojo’s last day: “Mojo and I stayed in bed until 10:00 today, just snuggling. He ate the biggest bowl of dog food he’s ever had, and then some of my cereal….not to mention almost an entire bag of beef jerky. He went to see his best dog friend, and made sure to get Sawyer’s ears clean. We went to Burger King where he devoured a burger and fries and thoroughly enjoyed an ice cream cone. He got to see everyone who loved him. This afternoon I said goodbye to Mojo, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but he was ready. I am thankful for the multitude of photos we have and all the memories we made together.”
Brittany, I’m so sorry for your loss, but I’m glad that you and Mojo shared so much love.
Follow Casey Hendrickson Photography on Facebook to see more of her work.
About Casey Hendrickson Photography: Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, Casey specializes in wedding and boudoir photography.
Alice G Patterson says
These are very lovely!
Heather says
I wish I had taken my dog in for some photos when I had the chance.
Ann Staub says
Aw so sweet and sad 🙁 Sounds like Mojo had a wonderful last day. He does look like such a sweet dog in his photos. RIP sweet guy.
Ruth Cox says
How very beautiful a love story between Mojo and Brittany. So true that saying goodbye to our companion animals is sad, yet beautiful memories remain forever.