I’m always happy when I get to photograph dogs with my sister, Alice Patterson. Holli Berri belongs to a very good friend of the family. It was a pleasure to photograph her sweet Holli Berri a while back in Arlington, Virginia.
From Nanci: “At seven years Holli Berri was one of seven dogs surrendered by a hoarder to a Maryland kill shelter. She was not given much attention by her owner. When she was turned in her coat was so matted that the shelter staff could not tell that she had a docked tail. After Holli got a bath and haircut they found an adorable little white dog. Homeward Trails Animal Rescue decided that she had to be given a chance at a better life. Holli is a very sweet girl Terrier mix.
Before I adopted Holli, she spent quality time at a foster home. It is important that more people consider fostering dogs and cats. One of the joys for me as part of the Rural Shelter Transport is realizing that there are people who are willing to love these animals until they can find a home. We need more people to foster!
Holli’s fosters are wonderful people. They were responsible for helping Holli acclimate to humans before I chose her. Every once in awhile I send a photo to them and plan to send one of Alice’s photo’s to them. They really loved Holli but were glad that I adopted her.
I adopted Holli in November 2012. Years of isolation left her shy and skittish around people. She prefers women and gets along with men if they approach slowly. She is very good with other dogs. She loves the company of other dogs and follows their lead on how to interact with humans. She is a wonderful addition to my family of dogs, Harry the seven year old Maltese and my most recent rescue, Violet.
Holli has dozens of toys and she loves to play with them. In the morning Holli has an adorable habit. She carefully selects my bedtime shirt and takes it to the community shared doggy bed and contentedly lays on the shirt. She has strong preference for shirts and only wants shirts that have been worn.
She waits patiently for me to take her for a walk every day. Her favorite pastime is to “hunt” for squirrels. She has a wonderful time finding them, and getting into the “point” position, and then when the time is right giving chase. Of course, with her human in tow, Holli is never successful in capturing anyone. The best she can do is follow them to the tree and then move on for the next hunt.
I have had the joy of watching Holli develop into a dog who realizes that humans are okay. She remains cautious but she is getting more confident. She found her voice and is very vocal in welcoming me home on my return.
She is a trooper and quickly accepts visiting dogs that find their way to my home for overnight stays on their way to no-kill shelters located in New Jersey, Delaware, New York, and Connecticut. She allows me to welcome, care and love her temporary dog visitors. I can tell that she is happy when they leave and I give her, her step brother and sister quality time.
I hope Holli Berri’s story will encourage others to consider adopting a rescue dog! Their are many young, teen and senior dogs available and waiting for a forever home. They are all capable of providing companionship and joy to humans. I am so glad that I found Holli Berri she is a joy.”
If you are ever discouraged about the state of humankind, look around for the Nancies of the world. Nanci gives of herself to others in need. She is a passionate volunteer for animal and humans. Nanci is best friends with another of my sisters. Recently Nanci has relocated temporarily to help take care of our dad who has terminal cancer. I can never thank her enough for all the kindness she has shown him and the rest of our family!
To see more great dogs follow Alice G Patterson Photography on Facebook.
About Alice G Patterson Photography: Based in Central New York, Alice offers on location and studio photography for small businesses, high school seniors, dogs and the people who love them. Alice loves to travel and is happy to photograph dogs where ever she goes!
Look at those sweet eyes!
Such a nice story and Nanci sounds like such a sweetheart
She is the best!
I’m so happy Holli and Nancy were able to find each other!
Such an important message – there are so many dogs out there just waiting for homes. From tiny to extra large, puppies to seniors. I love the expressions in her eyes, she’s beautiful.
Holli is such a cutie and Nanci is the greatest!
What a great story. We decided to adopt in honor of Jasmine’s memory. Cookie has been born to carry on Jasmine’s torch.
Great photos! How beautiful she is!
these are great photos. I really like how they are bright and lively. I normally am taking pictures of a darker nature. I love the depth of field in the one with her laying in the grass… very beautiful 🙂
She’s a very pretty little girl. She is very lucky to have found you.
Great post and awesome photos!
What a sweet dog. Gorgeous eyes!
–Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.
What a truly adorable puppy! And wonderful photos.
What a fantastic photo shoot! You did an incredible job I know Holli Berri’s owners must be so excited with the pictures.
Such a sweetie! My long term goal is to be a pet foster : ).
Isn’t she the sweetest thing? You can just see the love in her eyes.