Two of the most floofy, adorable golden cocker spaniels to grace news feeds across Instagram, Charlie and Frankie share a remarkable bond with their mum, quite unlike anything we’ve seen before.
Gushing over Charlie and Frankie on Insta is one thing, but witnessing in person their gentle nature, complete trust and utter obsession with Jess is quite another.
While their Insta feed is an adorable montage of puppy eyes, ‘how’d-they-do-that?’ poses and luscious golden locks, we wanted to capture a ‘behind-the-scenes’ glimpse of their everyday lives; a visual telling of the unconditional, unrivalled love between a girl and the fur babies at the centre of her world.”
Charlie and Frankie are absolutely adorable, and those photos are beautiful. I love the one where one dog was laying on her face while the other was snuggling next to her. So cute!
they are adorable! not sure if thats the type f dog for us but they are cute
Look at these adorable little furballs! The tiny ponytail killed me. Too cute ☺️
Awwww those doggos are super adorable! Petting puppers is the best form of therapy!
Oh my goodness! They are PRECIOUS! Such sweet photos and beautiful dogs.
Oh my gosh! How cuddly are they?! I need some of those cuddles. Those photos are gorgeous – so, so sweet!
I love spaniels! I had a cocker spaniel growing up and she holds such a special place in my heart.
I really love all the pictures that you have every day. They are very cute and it shows how much people love their animals.
Oh my goodness they are absolutely adorable! I love their floofy hair! I most definitely want to give them both big hugs!
Wow! These photos are gorgeous and truly captured a mood that I can FEEL!
This breed of dog always looks like it is asking me a question with the expression on their faces. Great looking photos.
Aww they’re adorable! And these photos are too. <3
Truly have all the feels for this session. The one with the top knot kills me though! lol
Charlie and Frankie are amazing. The look like the best fur babies ever. Love the photos that were captured
I’m truly not a dog person, but these are beautiful! My mom had 9 spaniels as a child, and it’s a family joke that she inherited some of their blood because of her personality, lol!
Wow! You have such a beautiful family. It’s no wonder everyone love Frankie and Charlie. Those faces tell me everything I need to know. These photos set a beautiful, positive feeling inside my heart! For that, thank you! I look forward to more fantastic content.
These photos just invoke happiness. Too cute. I always want my pets to be happy as well.
How sweet. These are all such wonderful pictures! A photo shoot of our family cuddling our beloved pups would be wonderful.
OMG they remind me of my childhood dog! I miss her so much. She was such a great dog.
What happy looking dogs. No wonder they are so popular.
Oh my goodness, these photos are so adorable! You can just feel the love while looking at them. They are definitely a beautiful family.
Ohhh Charlie and Frankie are such sweethearts, I can just tell by looking at them in these photos. I love their names too!
Such great photos and what love there is between them. I love cocker spaniels but I don’t see them often anymore. Thank you for sharing this pictures.
Oh Charlie and Frankie have my heart. How adorable are they, no wonder their humama loves them so. Again, gorgeous pictures!
They are the cutest! I am a fan of them now because of these photos.
Charlie and Frankie is so adorable! I would of had so much fun with them too!
OMG! How cute are they! Both these dogs have such sweet eyes. Love the photos!
One of my friends is obsessed with cocker spaniels! His heart would melt so much after seeing these photos!
Awwww…look at these cuties!! Cocker Spaniels are such great dogs!!
Aww, there’s so much love in this post! We don’t have any dogs, but we do have two bunnies that are more than happy to come and snuggle up to us on the sofa at night 🙂
Louise x