I daydream about having a farm one day, and these photos from K Schulz Photography are just adding fuel to the fire. Gunner the handsome Shepherd mix and Ruger, the Welsh Pembroke Corgi, are just the start of this animal lover’s dream!
Moe and Bourbon are their horses.
Moe is a 5-year-old Haflinger while Bourbon is a 6-year-old Quarter Horse.
The six chickens wander the farm and don’t mind the horses. However, the dogs do like to chase them, and that happened during the session. Amy lost her white German Shepherd a few months back. After that they got Ruger. They never thought they would have a smaller dog, but they love this little Corgi.”
From Any: “Gunner & Ruger are best buds, although Ruger (the 6mo old little one) runs the show.
They both love to cuddle, but Gunner is the best cuddler because he’ll lay next to you all day long. Ruger, on the other hand, will growl at you if you bump or move him while he’s sleeping, which is hilarious. Their favorite thing in the world (other than treats) is the water hose!
They would play with the water hose all day long if I let them. We live on a mini farm, and they live watching our horses and chickens from the other side of the fence.
Gunner was a rescue through Black Bear Animal Rescue/Pumpkin’s Legacy Rescue in Hartsville, TN. Gunner is a two-year-old GSDx.
We actually did the DNA testing on him, and you won’t believe the results…50% GSD, 12.5% lab, 12.5% Australian Shepherd, 12.5% they’re not really sure (but it has to be something tall to give him his height), and finally, drum roll please…12.5% Pekingese!!! Hahaha! A 90 lb Pekingese!
Still smiling about Gunner and his Pekinese mix! He’s definitely a mix of love and happiness and smiles! Thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos.
I absolutely LOVES these cuties! Great pet photos always put a smile on my face!
Gunner and Ruger are so adorable. Great photography too. You can really see their personalities shine through.
What a beautiful session! The horse portraits are spectacular. I also dream of having a much larger piece of land. I’ve always lived in crowded cities & ‘burbs.
Love & biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Gorgeous photos!!! Yes they sure do make one want to live on a farm! I live in the country but not ON a farm. We have many around us. I have almost always lived around farms and have always loved country life. I do wish I had a little more land than I do so I could have a horse and some chickens! Such beautiful landscapes and animals!
I dream of a farm too … not so much for growing stuff but for more open rural space where I can have more pets. And maybe some goats (for pets). A horse would be a dream… but that’s a big dream.
I don’t ride anymore, but you can adopt pasture pals from Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. If I ever get a horse, it will be a pasture pal!
I dream of having a farm some day, too! I would love to have goats and chickens. These pictures are gorgeous – I love the purple in the background!
Goats and “micro” pigs are on my dream list! Especially after meeting a few at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary!
My sister recently realized her dream when they purchased a 31-acre farm. Their Australian Shepherds love it and their cat seem much healthier.
Oh my, how wonderful for her! I hope you get to visit them often.
Beautiful dogs and perfect breeds for farm life. I would love to live and work a farm, but it is not easy!
I know you have a lot of experience with horses. My husband had a mini farm when he was growing up, he echoes the “lot of work” sentiment.
These are beautiful photos. Love all the colours – great contrast; purples with the black, cream and tan of the dogs. I also have a desire to move back to the country!
Well aren’t you guys just adorable! I always wonder how many times a photo is snapped before you get that perfect one!