I wish I had a better vocabulary: creamy, rich, soft. No, I’m not talking about peanut butter, I’m trying to describe how sweet and wonderful this photo is by Stephanie Piscitelli of Bellini Portraits. Otis is a nine year old Golden Retriever and a wonderful companion to the children in his family.
You can see more of this sweet toddler portrait session on the Bellini blog. This is one of those sessions where you feel like you are there, hearing the giggles and living in the moment. Its incredible, and I hope you’ll take a moment to pop over there and check it out.About Bellini Portraits: based in Massachusetts, Stephanie Piscitelli serves Boston, Cape Cod and beyond. She is a lifestyle portrait photographer specializing in newborn, children and family portraits.
I have fetched a lot of great links to share with you this week:
I wonder if any of my readers have submitted a photo to DogShaming?
How perfect is this DIY pawprint? I’d love to see a puppy version side by side with the adult print of a Great Dane via Pretty Fluffy and Chic Sprinkles
Keep your dog safe this Labor Day weekend via Life + Dog
1000 Pugs Project via Pawsh
Cute Circus Dogs print via Lay Baby Lay (enter for a chance to win some great bedding for a nursery too!)
100 Dog Friendly beaches in California via I Love Dog Friendly
Book Review Love has No Age Limit: review by Abby from Doggerel, the cover dog is Theo.
This dog is referred to as Super Dog for a reason!
Upcoming events:
Free Pet Adoptions: Miami Marlins Adopt-a-Mania 9/2
Canine Cruise on the Potomac 9/6
2012 Walk for Animals 9/9 (I’m especially excited to see the winner of the the raffle donated by Dog Breath Photography and will be featuring the session on the Daily Dog Tag.)
The 14th Annual Greyhound Fall Ball 9/22
If you have an upcoming dog related non profit event and would like to see it listed here, please email rescue@dailydogtag.com!
Love that Super Dog video– such great footage of a dog that seems to love to fly! My girls have not made it to Dog Shaming- yet, but they certainly provide good material so that may be in their future. While I love all the links, I just have to give one more shout out to Stephanie for that amazing portrait of the toddler and dog– so adorable!
I told you I’d visit your site and have been amused and hooked for the past few hours while at work. I hope youre feeling better today and on the mend. Its a shame we had to meet the way we did although i wouldnt have ever known about this site.
That photo shoot is so adorable!!
Thanks for the mention, Beth! I love that little book–and Theo! Happy to see him featured on your blog.