Greeting cards are by far one of the best types of mail, especially when they have great photos. Due to technical difficulties, I’m late publishing this post, but I hope these Christmas card worthy photos will brighten your day.
Greeting cards are by far one of the best types of mail, especially when they have great photos. Due to technical difficulties, I’m late publishing this post, but I hope these Christmas card worthy photos will brighten your day.
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Ruth Epstein says
Adorable photograhs, just love them
Holly says
I had to click into this one – the little boy in the cover shot is so cute. There are a lot of talented people out there, all the pictures are lovely.
Michelle & The Paw Pack says
Lovely photos! It’s hard to believe that Christmas is already over. I take holiday photos of my pets every year but they don’t turn out this good!
Lola The Rescued Cat says
I love these holiday cards! They all are absolutely stunning. I’d love to have a professional holiday card taken of Lola, Lexy and me. Happy New Year!
Beth says
I hope you can get some great family photos! Happy New Year!
Jana Rade says
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Beautiful photos as always.
Beth says
Thanks, Jana! Happy New Year!
Sweet Purrfections says
Wonderful holiday photos! I think my favorite is the last one with the golden and reindeer.
Dorothy "FiveSibesMom" says
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I LOVE all of these! I enjoy greeting cards – actual cards – it is one of my favorite traditions. I have slipped away from it the past few years after my mother passed and my heart dog a month apart right before Christmas, and this year I was ready, but was sick all through the holidays. But, I love to take photos of my daughter, and now grandson, with my Huskies! Each of these brought a smile to my face, and I was saying to myself, “love that one, oh, love that one, oh, that one is my favorite, no-that one is my favorite, etc.!!!” I have to say though, the Delirament Designs with the boy, dog, and cookies on the picnic blanket and the ENV Photography’s boy and pup definitely touched me…and then…I think you saved the best for last…such an essence of Christmas with the reindeer and dog by Tammy Klepac. Wow. That one is magical. Thank you for sharing these with us and helping us keep the holiday spirit going just a bit longer!