The only that makes me happier than seeing a happy dog, seeing a bunch of happy dogs! Photographing seven dogs at once can be a challenge, but, Katy Murray, was up for it. Of course, it probably helps when dogs have good manners! All of these dogs get plenty of exercise thanks to DogOnFitness.
This pack of seven live in multiple homes, but seem to get along quite well! From left to right they are Abby, Lincoln, Mr. River Biscuit, Kobe, Jax, Ace, and Ozzie.From River’s human: “A new resident of Arlington, Virginia; Mr. River Biscuit participates in local races, canine fundraising events and helped host a canine education and social program at our new home. He and his canine brother Jax enjoy the local hiking trails as well as the two dog parks in town. In addition, River Biscuit comes to work with me every day as the assistant leader to our canine clients. He also models for fine artists at Glenn Echo. River Biscuit enriches our lives and has transformed from being a frightened rescue pup to a confident role model for others.
River Biscuit’s new life began the day he was picked up by a no-kill shelter representative on euthanasia day at a kill shelter. He had been a severely abused pup who became conditioned not to trust humans. I adopted him and refused to give up on him. We faced some tough times together, and I knew I couldn’t break him of his fears alone.
So next on River’s journey he met the two men who helped shift his broken mind and teach me how to be the best leader/mom for him. One is his Canine Rehabilitation Trainer; Frank Ortiz and the who has won our hearts; Pierre; who is his Papa. These two dedicated and compassionate men saved River Biscuit, and for this, I am forever grateful.
Presently, River Biscuit has a beautiful home and family. His best canine friend is his brother Jax. They are pretty much inseparable and love being apart of this dog-loving community of Arlington, Virginia.
Kobe is an 8-year-old Corgi. He is very much like royalty and not just because he is the Queen’s preferred breed. Folks stop the pack on a regular basis to get a close look at Kobe. He is always camera ready and loves to do his natural job…Herding. When the pack runs free, he often chases in herding style after them. He also is an incredible therapy pup for the elderly.
Ozzie is the 7-year-old pup who came from Louisiana. He was adopted by his mama when he was two years old. Ozzie went from a hoarding and neglectful situation to a loving home. Ozzie used to be terrified of everyone until Kobe the Corgi opened his mind to experience the world. He is a faithful pack member.
Lincoln is two years old. He is a back of the pack guy making sure no pups are left behind. Lincoln is a loyal and affectionate pup. He loves being a part of the pack.
Follow Katy Murray Photography on Instagram as well as Facebook.
About Katy Murray Photography: Based in Rockville, Maryland, Katy specializes in portraits and wedding photography. She is available for travel.
This is amazing Leslie what you have created
That a gorgeous pack! They are so well behaved, I can’t believe 7 dogs can sit for a photo LOL! The butterfly photos are awesome, what a cool effect. I love that you posed each of the dogs w/ the butterfly wings, what special photos they are.
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
What an adorable group! I’m always a bit envious seeing amazing group photos of lots of dogs like that. A lot of the time I feel like I have a hard time getting good pictures of just my two together.
This is an epic project and absolutely amazing to see those wonderful dogs looking so happy and cheerful and sitting still!!
They did make me smile!
Leslie how humbling. I am so proud of you. Thank you for all you have done. The souls you touch every day. How you get up ready to take on the world. What a leader you have become. The pack, beautiful. “