Jenna and Shawna celebrated their wedding with friends and family, including their adorable Chihuahua, Chance. Thanks to Stephanie Cristalli Photography for these gorgeous wedding photos.
From Stephanie: “Jenna and Shawna were married at one of the most picturesque resorts we have here in Washington State, Roche Harbor Resort.”
From Jenna: “I always wanted a Chihuahua and Shawna found Chance in Lopez Island and brought him to me for my birthday. He was 12 ounces! Chance is now 3.5 pounds and best friends with our French bulldog (Hugo). He is brilliantly smart- he knows the name of everyone in our house (five people and five pets). And he attends work with me nearly every day (at Google).”
You can see more of Jenna and Shawna’s beautiful wedding on Stephanie’s blog.
If you are looking for a pet-friendly photographer, check our Photographer Directory. Please keep in mind that many photographers are available for travel and would love to photograph your pets!
Follow Stephanie Cristalli Photography on Instagram.
About Stephanie Cristalli Photography: Based in Seattle, Washington, Stephanie is a wedding and portrait photographer.
Wow this dog is so precious! I love how he was included in the couple’s big day! Pets really do make the family whole. These photos are great!
Chance is such a little cutie, and looks great in his bowtie! My pup is a chihuahua, and they are so precious.
Oh my gosh, he is adorable! He looks so dapper in his outfit!
What a beautiful couple and that dog is just precious. It’s awesome they can bring him to work! Lucky workmates!
What beautiful photos! Chance is precious! It always makes me giggle when people put clothes on pets. I wish my cats would allow it.
What a perfect little gentleman he is and a great ambassador for his breed. So many Chis are allowed to be little beasts.
Oh my gosh that dog is adorable! I love the little bowtie he was wearing. If my dog would allow me to I would do something like this myself LOL. What lovely pictures.
Oh my goodness just look at that little cutie! How amazing do they look dressed up in their bow tie for the wedding!
Congratulations! This is such a beautiful family. Chance is too cute. It looks like he has such a relaxed personality.
That is such a cute little dog. I love seeing dogs that seem to love getting photographed, I have one that loves it one that hates it. They are too funny.
What a beautiful wedding and that little pup is so cute!!
Stop it with the bow tie. That is so precious and adorable!
Gorgeous wedding photos!!! And your dog is just too cute!
He’s too cute! Looking like the perfect groomsman. Just adorable
What an adorable family! The pup sure looks like he’s enjoying his day as well! My chihuahuas are too busy and nosy to let me take pics! lol
These photos are wonderful! And Chance is so adorable and handsome. Can you be both? He definitely pulls it off! Congratulations to the beautiful couple and their family.
Such lovely photos and the chihuahua is so adorable. I just love the outfit. It looks so good on him.
I’m in love with Chance, but the couple is so striking! The colors are fun, too.
What an adorable dog! Such a great dog for a wedding and very cute! I love all of these photos. They’re all so beautiful!
This dog is so sweet. What a beautiful couple! Congratulations!
Wow those are great photos. And what a wonderful wedding gift. That dog is so precious!!
Oh my goodness, he is so little and cute! Love, love, love his sweater and bow-tie!
Beautiful photos and congratulations to you both. What a seamless way to include your adorable little Chihuahua. Love the bow-tie and sweater. Very chic!
Oh my goodness! He is so so cute and adorable! Such a lovely moment and stunning photos!
What a fun and wonderful wedding. Great pics and that little puppy looks so proud!
OMD he is just adorable and the bow tie is nearly as big as him, I just loved the photos
Totally delightful. Chance looks as though he stole a lot of the wedding limelight with his dapper attire and gorgeous good looks!
Chance is adorable! The finishing touch to a beautiful wedding.
He’s so handsome and smart in his grey sweater. I love that he fits into the wedding aesthetic so perfectly!!! Our pets weren’t included in our actual wedding ceremony given the fact that it was a destination wedding. we did have a custom wedding topper that included our pets, but they were safe at home with a pet sitter at the time. There is a small part of me that still regrets that, so we have talked about including the pets in our vow renewal when that time comes.
Chance is adorable! The pictures are gorgeous and it looks like an absolutely beautiful wedding. I love Chance’s grey sweater and his bowtie was precious! Where was Hugo his best friend? Did he not like the bowtie?