Disclosure: This is post is sponsored by Supreme Source®. However, at Daily Dog Tag, we only review products that we use for ourselves or our dogs. Photos are by Alice G Patterson Photography.
You wouldn’t necessarily know I’m a crazy dog lady by looking casually at photos of my house, but there are treat jars all over. I believe in positive reward training, so I’m always looking for healthy dog treats, like Supreme Source®. Many years ago, when my kids were small, I thought a plastic jar with paw prints all over it was cute. But as I’ve grown older, my decorating ideas have changed. My favorite crafty project is creating treat jars.
Because training my dogs is “a work in progress,” I need to have the treats easily accessible, but having them out isn’t my favorite look. Theo and Sophie are tall enough to counter surf if left alone long enough. Neither of them can be trusted with a bag of treats.
I bought this green crock on sale, but it didn’t have a lid. I knew I wanted it for dog treats, so I brainstormed a little and developed a plan.Supplies
Wood Disc (you can purchase pre-cut ones in craft stores or cut your own)
Box cutter or Exacto knife
Cutting Mat
Drawer pull/knob (and drill)
Paint or stain
Cut or buy wood to fit.
Sand if needed.
To determine the diameter of cork seal: measure the inside diameter of the container approximately 1/4 inch down (or the thickness of the cork). A compass works well for this type of measurement. Alternatively, you can see if you have a bowl or plate that fits inside at the right depth and trace that. (That method worked for me.)
Cut cork with a box cutter or Exacto knife.
If adding a handle, drill a hole in the center of wood and cork.
Stain or paint lid (optional.)
Assemble lid. Since my hands are pretty small, I wanted a knob for easier access, but you can just glue the cork to the wood if you want.
Fill with delicious treats!
I’m picky when it comes to what I feed my dogs, so I was happy to learn about Supreme Source® grain-free dog food and treats.
Their products are grain-free (no corn, soy, or wheat!) which means even Nelly can eat them. Not only are they grain-free, but they are also made without artificial flavors or coloring in small batches in the USA.
My dogs love both the biscuits and the soft treats. The soft treats only have 3 calories. Both are easy enough to break into smaller pieces if needed.
You can learn more about Supreme Source for dogs (and cats!) on their website.
Treat your pet and enter our giveaway of Supreme Source food, treats, and swag items for either a cat or a dog (winner’s preference.)
Because every mom deserves a little pampering, be sure to enter the Pampered Pet Moms Sweepstakes at Supreme Source!
The winner will win a $500 Spafinder.com gift card plus a prize pack containing Supreme Source food, treats, and select grooming products from Chewy.com.
Follow Alice G Patterson on Instagram.
About Alice G Patterson Photography: Based in Syracuse, New York, Alice specializes in editorial photography, dog portraits, and photography for small businesses.
What a brilliant idea thank you as I am sitting with the cutest dog lid from a jar I smashed and have been wondering what to do with it and you just got my mind working by going to look for a jar to match it. Love DIY ideas for thins and this one is just wonderful
I’m glad this inspired you to find a jar for your lid!
This looks absolutely adorable and a great idea! Thanks for sharing.
I love DIY projects. This is a very clever idea. Your treat jar and lid fit perfectly.
Thanks Kamira!
How clever! Well done.
Thank you!
Thank you, Monika!
These are clever! All treats and food in my house must be in sealed containers that cannot be chewed through or placed high out of reach. Most of the dog treats are above the dryer, and sometimes they’ll try to grab them and inadvertently turn the dryer on – it’s the only thing that gives them away before the treats are eaten!
I guess a dryer makes a pretty good alarm 🙂
So many would just throw a jar away but you do much better. I love this idea and yes I can get the cork sheeting for this! The can add any kind of handle cant you! – I can see a cute cat one working so well here 🙂 Brilliant.
Thanks, Marjorie. A cute cat handle would be perfect for your house!
I’m not a DIY person but this is adorable and I think I could handle cutting cork. Ruby is also very good at finding and getting into her treats and other food so having a secure jar would be a great help!
You can totally do this one!
Those jars are very lovely looking. We only buy one kind of treats which come in a ziplock baggy. But these jars look so good I might consider them when we start making our own jerky again.
Thanks, Jana!
Awesome idea and kudos for having treats everywhere and keeping the training alive and fun!!
What a cool DIY project, I like that green jar, its kind of retro! I love making treat jars & giving them as gifts
We need to do a treat jar exchange!
I can relate to having treats stashed everywhere for positive reinforcement. Gusto is always sniffing the edges of counters. Even though he can jump that high, fortunately I haven’t found him on the counter yet getting into the cooking jar! Thanks for the photos illustrating how you made the lid for your jar.
Gusto is such a good dog!
This is such a cute jar! I love this! Rooney would appreciate it if we had more treat jars around the house!
Thanks, Rachel! Being able to give them a quick treat seems to help my dogs’ behavior.
I love this DIY treat jar! It’s so pretty…a lovely way to keep treats handy, and we all know how important it is to have those furbaby treats at the ready! Thanks for sharing the instructions!
Thanks so much, Dorothy!
What a great idea and such a cute treat jar!
Thanks, Katie!
Love this!!!!
Thank you, Crystal!
Very cute idea. Dog mom truth: sometimes my treats are just on top of the mantle.
I’m pretty sure dogs only care that you have treats for them!
#dogmomtruth my dog has more coats than I do
Sounds like a lucky dog!
What a great idea, and a cool giveaway.
I bet you could make lids for vases too. I was just thinking. I got this large round glass vase with flowers for my birthday, but I already have a couple of vases….so I could turn it into a treat jar! Thanks so much!!
You can absolutely do this for a vase!
i love the idea of the jar, i have been looking for one for my house. my petmom truth, is to be a caring, considerate mom to my 2 gals. my friends tell me that they want to come back as one of my dogs because i take better care of them than they do of their human kids. i feel that if you adopt or get a pet, then it is your responsibility to care for them, all the way, in sickness and health, just like the wedding vows.
It sounds like your dogs are very lucky!
would love to win this for my dog!
Good luck!
My truth is my pups get anything they want!
Your dogs are very lucky!
Aww what a cute idea! We usually leave the dog treats in the bag haha.
This is soooo cute and your pictures are soooo beautiful!!!! One of my close friends just got a dog and I’m totally going to do this for her!
That’s awesome!
I don’t really have a pet mom truth.
I need to DIY some treat jars for the cats’ treats. I have treat bags in almost every room in the house.
It just makes sense to have the treats where you need them, right?
I loved this diy!! I only feed my dogs grain free treats!! ❤️
My dogs go crazy for these! There aren’t a lot of grain free biscuits out there, and these ones have a nice texture too.
This seems quite simple and super cute!
I must confess that I talk for my pups…I’m that crazy. LOL!
I have a sneaking suspicion that most of us do, it is probably just a matter of who will admit it!
This seems like such an easy solution to all of the cute lidless crocks I see when browsing the aisles of my local thrift store! My sweet Forrest (who eats far healthier food than I do!) would adore having his treats housed in a fancy crock instead just the bag they came in!
xoxo, SS
I love shopping at thrift stores! I hope Forrest gets some of these, my dogs highly recommend them.
This is an adorable pet treat jar! We just have bags of treats around the house.
Thank you!
What a cute DIY idea! It is so simple too. It’s amazing how 1 little change like that recreates something entirely. My kitties would love to try these treats! 🙂
Thank you! My dogs are big fans of them, I hope you entered the Giveaway!
I’m not crafty and every time I try a DIY thing it’s a failure. I suppose that could also be my dog mom truth. LOL
That is pretty funny! You should try this one: https://www.dailydogtag.com/photography/easiest-diy-dog-treat-jar/
I’m fairly crafty myself, but I’m impressed by your lid making skills. I never even thought of that! Also, yay for giveaways, signing up now!!
Thanks, and good luck!
This came out soo good! What a fun DIY. It makes it look so pretty!
Cute!! My truth is that I will do anything in the world for my 3 dogs!
I bet they know that too! They are very lucky dogs!
My petmom truth is my Boxer and Rottie rule our house. They are the bosses and we just live there! I love this idea it’s cute and functional.
You sound like a great dog mom! Thanks!
Great idea! Especially considering mine usually get thrown in the closet in the bag and then spill all over! Good project for my kids too, since they are the ones typically spilling them 🙂