We’ve all seen fabulous “day after the wedding photos”, and they are always special. However, this session with Hercules, Megan and David by Emily Steffen is hands down my favorite day after shoot!
From Emily: “Megan had been telling me over and over again just *how excited* they were that their new little Great Dane pup could be in some photos the day after their wedding…..so, the day after becoming husband and wife, we set out for the streets of Milwaukee for some quick and awesome portraits with their three month old pup Hercules.”
From Megan: “Herky is the BEST dog ever and he’s just such a lover!!! He’s most definitely a momma’s boy! He follows me around everywhere and has to be laying directly next to me at all times and if he’s not he will find some room next to me somehow. He gets jealous when I give Lilly love because he wants all the attention from me. David is deployed right now but he said his favorite things about Herky are his big wet kisses, how he loves to cuddle, and his huge paws! David loves to cuddle with him and when we first got him they used to be able to nap together spooning on the couch. Sooo cute!!! Herky is now way too big for that.
He is a bit of a scaredy cat. His new thing he is scared of is the laundry room and I have no idea why. I will hear him crying and and I’ll find him in the laundry room waiting for me to come get him. He’s sooo funny!! He is also scared of David in uniform (in particular boots scare him), the stairs, and getting out of the car so we usually spend at least 20 minutes in the garage coercing him with treats to get out. He is such a character!!
His favorite things to do are playing with his big great dane sister Lilly, being by me at all times, licking mine and David’s whole faces, sunbathing, cuddling with dad, going to dog school with his friends, going on walks, eating moms homemade treats or actually just any food of any kind, and chewing on everything!! He loves bones, but he also looooves Uggs and wood including our dresser and deck. He is the funniest dog with a lot of character and we just LOVE LOVE LOVE him to pieces!!! Our little family would certainly not be complete without him!! I’m tearing up just writing about our love for him because we just love him sooooo much!
You can see more of Hercules on Emily’s blog.
About Emily Steffen: Based in the midwest, Emily is a wedding photographer that creates images that are timeless as well as beautiful. She lives with her husband and their two amazing and adorable pugs, Edward and Gweneth.
so damn cute
HOORAY! 🙂 Thank you for such an awesome feature today Beth!!!! 🙂 YAY! Little Herc (and Meagan and David) look so awesome! YAYYYY! 🙂
Its my pleasure to feature such an adorable family! Thanks for sharing their photos Emily!
Absolutely adorable family!