“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
I’m delighted to share this session that Julie from Missy Moo Studio sent to me.
These two have been together for a long time. When Skooder was only 6 months old, he was living in a shelter. Jillian adopted him then.Skooder is fifteen now. This guy is a forefather of the DIY home decorating movement. His love of nearly round blankets has inspired him to chew many throws into imperfect circles.Skooder loves cheese and running errands on the weekend. At fifteen years old he also enjoys his naps.Skooder has definitely made pawprints on Jillian’s heart! You can see more of Skooder on the Missy Moo Studio blog.About Missy Moo Studio: Missy is the doggy that inspired Missy Moo Studio! She is a 3 year old english bulldog. Julie is the owner of Missy Moo Studio. She specializes in pet photography and print design (logo creation, business card design, etc.)
Schooder I want to give you a big fat kiss!
Oh my these are so cute, and that Skooder sure is a cutie pie! I checked out Missy Moo Studio’s blog and hope you can do a feature on Missy, cause she is super cute too.
I hope so too! Missy is adorable 🙂
Thanks you guys! Too bad my Missy won’t sit still long enough to get more then one good shot. :o)