It was a pleasure to log into Two Bright Lights and find these two cuties sent in by Lindsay Docherty Photography. They were adopted from Finding Shelter, after their previous owner could not care for them. Oscar and Ruffian are littermates of Beagle/Jack Russell/Pug and German Shepherd heritage. They have a gorgeous backyard to run, jump and even swim in.
From their owner: “Ruffian was known as ‘Beauty’- I renamed her after the greatest filly who ever ran, after I saw her run in this yard. Oscar was known as ‘Wolfie’ but since he is short and long, we renamed him for a hot dog. Recently Ruffie PROUDLY brought me the entire 24 inch long shed skin of a snake. So far she has caught a toad and a snake, happily rolling in them and then Oscar does the same when she is done. Oscar is now obsessed with the fish in the pond and runs from side to side trying to catch them. Ruffie took to cannonballing into the pond, then sliding UNDER our shed, coming out caked in mud. She hides from Oscar, peeking out to get his attention, then hiding again and coming out through another spot.If I sound like a loved obsessed fool, I apologize, but I am. I have had 13 dogs in my adult life, and none match these for intelligence, mischief making, huggability, and laughter inducing.”
Happy tails indeed! You can see more of Ruffian and Oscar on Lindsay’s blog.
About Lindsay Docherty Photography: Serving the Greater Philadelphia area and beyond, Lindsay Dochtery is a contemporary wedding and portrait photographer.
Double the fun! So stinking cute… love, love, love the action and tail shots, as well as the sweet portraits.
What a cute pair! It’s great to get to read about how much they’re both loved.
Ruffie and Oscar are our dogs! I view them on this blog every day even though they are right here. And when we recently vacationed at the shore for a week, I looked at them a lot. Thanks so much for this blog.
PS bloggers- adopt a rescue dog please…
What FUN photos! I just love the one of them jumping over the hedge, and of course the two tails at the end. Nice work!!