As much as I long for a Newfoundland of my own one day, I have to say that I’m also a fan of their physical opposites: Jack Russell terriers! Jen Bergren from Fetchlight Photography sent me these photos of Buddy in Balboa Park, San Diego.
From Jen: “Buddy is an Irish Shorty Jack Russel Terrier whose family accurately describes him as a ‘cartoon character’, his huge personality shows through all of his expressions. It was an unusually hot day for San Diego, so we stuck to a very small portion of Balboa Park and took lots of breaks in the shade for Buddy (safety first! Buddy was a great sport checking out the fountains, columned walkways, and colorful tiled artist’s area.”
You can see more of Buddy on Jen’s pet photography blog. Be sure to visit her on Facebook as well!
About Fetchlight: Jen Bergren was taking photography classes while working as an advertising graphic designer at Petco’s corporate office in San Diego, when those two interests combined and she started photographing pets for Petco. She left the corporate world in 2011 to start Fetchlight and to have more time for her freelance design career. Jen also photographs adoptable dogs for Aussie Rescue in San Diego. Jen also photographs adoptable dogs for Aussie and Others Rescue San Diego, where she adopted her orange foxy dog, Tawny.
Thanks for featuring loveable Buddy!