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National Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17. To celebrate, I’m donating a copy of MattieDog Gets Adopted to my local elementary school library and the public library in my town. This book features the story of one of my favorite blogging pals, Mattiedog, and the artwork of my friend, Carolynn Lemke. Carolynn has a custom pet portrait business, Noble Friends, and is also a graphic designer. Thanks to my sister, Alice G Patterson, for the photos!
Besides a terrific (true) story and adorable illustrations, this book is perfect for giving or receiving because the proceeds help animal rescue and adoption.
You can enter to win a copy of Mattie Gets Adopted on Val Silver’s Rescue Me blog.
Another great project (although not pet-related) is Books For Africa.
If donating a book isn’t your thing, then you might want to consider dropping something off at a shelter. In addition to money, rescue organizations and shelters usually need fosters, volunteers, toys, pet food, treats, towels, office and cleaning supplies. You can find some more suggestions on my Animal Shelter Donation board on Pinterest.
In my opinion, one of the best things about random acts of kindness is that they can happen at any time! And you can choose someone randomly, or you can choose someone individually.
If you prefer to perform a random act of kindness for someone you know, I’m sure it will be appreciated. Personally, I’d love one of these mugs from Noble Friends.
Don’t forget to give your own pets a random act of kindness, whether it is an extra-long walk, a game of tug, belly rubs, or their favorite treat.
We’d love to hear about a random act of kindness that you have experienced!
Find a pet-friendly photographer near you.
About Alice G Patterson Photography: Based in Syracuse, New York, Alice specializes in photography for small businesses, senior portraits, and dog photography. Alice has three dogs of her own.
I’m sure that the kids will love reading Mattie Dog’s story. That is so nice of you. Random acts of kindness are the best
The kids will love Mattie Dog’s story – how could they not?
Awww…what a lovely idea. Have you visited schools to share the book with the kids there? Lots of programs for various school districts (and they’d love Mattie Dog, too!).
Thank you so much for your kindness and helping share our story – bless your heart! We’d love to partner with anyone who reads to school children! Feel free to contact us!
Random acts of kindness are the best! I think it is great that you are donating a copy of Mattie’s book. I try to do kind things whenever possible. There is always someone who could use a little lift. 🙂
Somehow, I knew you were always doing nice things for people (and animals!) 🙂
Okay, I am not bragging here…Don’t you love sentences that start that way? BUT, one thing I do whenever someone looses a dog is I get them the book OLD FRIENDS: GREAT DOGS ON THE GOOD LIFE and then I instruct them to put a photo of their loved one in the back with his “life lesson” It has been received really well so as far as random acts of kindness go this is a good one. I stole it from someone else so I am not taking credit. Just passing along. 🙂
I think that is a wonderful idea! Thanks so much for sharing it!
I think this book is a great way to teach empathy about animals to kids and adults. I love that it’s from Mattie’s perspective.
This is a great book and on my list of to get for the kids for their birthday 🙂
They will love it!
Lovely article and has got me thinking about what RAK’s I can do this week
I love random acts of kindness 🙂
What a great gesture you made donating the books! I think kids need to see hard copies of books and teachers need to read them and share pictures. So many schools have gone to e-books. I’m sure they will love having this book in their tool box!
When I taught, my favorite part of the day was reading to the students!
Oh, I LOVE this!! I didn’t realize that there was a national random acts of kindness day… I guess I’ll have to make it a RAK week instead and think of something to do a little belated 😉
It is always the perfect time to do something nice!
That sounds like a really sweet story.
I love the idea of donating Mattie’s book to a school in your area. I think I may do the same thing.
I’m adding Maddie Dog get’s Adopted to my list of must read books!!
I know the children will love your book. It is so nice to know people embrace Random Acts of Kindness.
We donated some cat food and lots of cat toys to our local shelter recently. We also took a box full of cat supplies to someone who recently adopted a kitten.
That is terrific!
I didn’t even know it was Nat’l Random Acts of Kindness Day – how did I miss that?! Donating a book to a library is a gift that keeps on giving, to many children over a long period of time. It’s a great idea! Mattie’s story is a great one, I’m sure it will be loved by many children thanks to your donation. I donate both new and gently used items (towels, blankets, collars) to the shelter where I volunteer. They always need so many things
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
I was at the drive-thru at Starbucks and the person in front of me paid for my drink. In return, I paid for the person behind me. I wonder how long it kept going.
Loved your book donation!
That sounds pretty awesome!
That book – I could cry just looking at the cover. We adopted our fur baby from a family that no longer could keep her. She looks kind of like the dog on that cover! She’s a joy for our family!
I’m so glad that she found a good second home!
I love that mug! Too cute.