Once again, I am struck with a bad case of HDO (handsome dog obsession). Meet Charlie: a dramatically handsome black Standard Poodle. This photo was taken during an impromptu shoot by Kirsten Bowers from Wolf Shadow Photography while she was with WolfCub at the park.
Its possible to purchase a fine art print of Charlie as well a purchase a calendar with photos of one of the most handsome dogs on earth: WolfCub .
About Wolf Shadow Photography: Based in Melbourne, Australia, Kirsten Bowers is a fine art photographer specializing in cat and dog photography. As an advocate of rewards based training, Kirsten is able to set her subjects at ease and capture their true personalities and emotional connections.
Please take a moment to check today’s links, especially the first one!
Help stop Breed Specific Legislation: sign this petition TODAY (Jan. 18,2013) is the last day to sign.
I want to try and make this easy and stylish no-sew DIY dog bed.
Here is a fun DIY cushion embellishment
Betty White turned 91 yesterday, and all she wants for her birthday is raise money for the Morris Animal Foundation.
Find out if your dog needs a sweater during these cold winter months.
We would love to receive your nomination for The Best Pet or Animal Weblog.
Poor baby- and I don’t mean the human one…
You are never too old for Valentine’s Day Cards.
Upcoming Events
Jan 18 Sweet Beginnings Auction Fair Haven, CT
Jan 20 Lab Rescue Pet Fair, Redwood City, CA
Jan 24 Music for Mutts, San Francisco, CA
Jan 26 Pookies Rescue Fest Central Fl
Jan 26 Bark and Bowl Jacksonsville, FL
Jan 27 Muttsville Adoption Event at Mudpuppy’s Tub and Scrub in the Castro
Feb 10 Adopt a Lab, Gaithersburg, MD
Wow- amazing portrait!