Happy weekend! This handsome guy was photographed by Lucia Crivat.
Lucia is based in Europe and has a project called “My Friend’s Diary”. You can follow it here. Lucia has a Jack Russell of her own named Music.
I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy these links!
Six Ways to Celebrate Adopt a Dog Month
I love these dog beds that I found on Under the Blanket.
Carli Davidson’s Shake the Book is now available for pre-order. (I think it would make a perfect gift for any dog lover!)
The Hero Dog Awards on will be shown on October 30.
How to Win a Dog Halloween Contest.
Halloween is my favorite holiday, it is important to keep your pets safe! Please read these Halloween Safety Tips.
Here is Tommy experiencing the outside for the first time.
Upcoming Events
October 19 Dog Adoption Event, Washington, DC
October 19 Ties and Tails Gala, Charlotte, NC
October 19 Northern California Pet Expo, Santa Rosa, CA
October 20 Pet Adoption Event, Colchester, CT
October 24 Heaven Can Wait Gala, Boston, MA
October 26 St Louis Pet Expo, St. Charles, MO
October 27 17th Annual Pug o ween, Grapevine, TX
October 27 Haute Dog Howl’ oween Parade, Long Beach, CA
November 2 Goodness Gracious 5 K Run, Marblehead, MA
November 2 FidoFest Flower Mound, TX
If you would like to see your dog related event listed here, please email rescue (@) dailydogtag.com.
Thanks for including us in your links this week! I love the ‘My Friends Diary’ project – great pics and especially love the pic at the top here photographed in my home town!
What a happy coincidence! I had no idea that was your hometown.
Those beagles really pull on my heart strings! The chia pet featured in the Dog Costume article had me laughing hard…. poor guy does not look thrilled with his position in life at that moment.
Great photos from Lucia and I cool dog name “music”..
Thank you guys for your suport.