I’m in love with this image by Tammy Swales. Tammy’s French Bulldog, Zoe, is a wonderful model. I love so many things about this image, but most importantly is the fact that Zoe was not in danger!
From Tammy: “Two years ago I lost my heart dog — my Lab named Lulu. I spent a long time being sad. My best friends Jason and Stephen said “ENOUGH MOPING TAMMY SWALES” and on April 1, 2012 — they surprised me with Zoe, my crazy personality-laden French Bulldog. To say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement. I cried and I couldn’t let go of her for days. But then I was like…wait. I have a PUPPY. My life changed SO DRAMATICALLY! ::laughing:: But she’s amazing and silly and snuggly and I love her with my whole heart. She is soooo cute — people literally stop me on the street and ask if they can take her picture! So…you can find her if you search for #zoeswales. Cuz she’s kind of a big deal.”
You can see more of Zoe by visiting Tammy’s blog and facebook page.
About Tammy Swales Studio: Based in Rochester, NY, Tammy is a creative genius specializing in wedding, portraits and commercial photography. She lives with Zoe, her French Bulldog.
October is National Adopt A Dog Month. Please do what you can to help more dogs out of the shelter and into forever homes!
Need more reasons why adopting a dog is a good idea? Read 10 Things I’ve Learned From My Rescue Dog
Dogs Are People Too
Take the Pledge to help stop puppy mills.
Congratulations to Elle who won the National Hero Dog Award! Elle is a 5-year-old Pit Bull who helps teach children about dog safety, reading and overcoming prejudice and stereotypes.
Nice picture! I do have a lab but I always love to have a bulldog. They look so cute and friendly.
Thanks for this wonderful post! Thanks for the ideas!