Fall is without a doubt my favorite season. Besides the cooler air, new school year and beautiful foliage, there are puppies! These cuties were photographed by Stacey Gammon and are up for adoption from Animal Rescue R Us.
Claude and Claire are about ten weeks old and are Labrador Retriever mix puppies.
Its hard to imagine anyone being able to resist those adorable eyes! But if a puppy isn’t for you, you might want to get to know Betty Boop who is also available through Animal Rescue R Us.
Betty Boop is truly remarkable! From Stacey: “Betty Boop has a pretty amazing story. She was found on the streets, nearly starved to death, with a litter of pups. So malnourished, her milk dried up and the pups had to be bottle fed to survive. After surviving one ordeal, she encountered another – a water main broke in the shelter she was being kept. Many of the animals drowned, but Betty Boop not only survived, but carried her pups to safety too!”All of Betty Boop’s puppies have been adopted, but she is still looking for a forever home! If you can adopt or share Betty Boop, I’m sure she’d appreciate it! Be sure to check out Stacey’s blog for her latest work and follow her on Facebook!
About Stacey Gammon Photography: Based in Westwood, New Jersey, Stacey is a woman of many talents. Besides pet photography she also does fine art custom portraits. Stacey regularly volunteers her time photographing shelter pets.
This is part of a blog hop! Please take a few minutes and help the other featured animals by sharing them in whatever way works best for you!
Update: All three of these dogs have been adopted!!
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Those really are wonderful photo of wonderful babies!
No fair teasing me with lab puppies!! OMG they are so cute.
OMD, those puppies are absolutely the sweetest! They are sure to be adopted quickly.
And poor Betty Boop… she’s been through so much! She deserves a wonderful loving home and I pray she finds it soon.
Will definitely share these sweet ones!