Recently my sister Alice called me to tell me about the shoot she just finished. She was totally mesmerized by someone with the most soulful eyes she had ever seen. His name is Timber and he is a 15 year old Border Collie.
From Alice: “The purpose of the shoot was for the about page at the family business Teaselwood Farm, a custom cabinetry owned and operated by Andy and Charity Buchika. I photographed Charity previously for her interior design business, Elan Interior Design, and was looking forward to meeting the rest of the family, including her Border Collies, Timber and Lily.
The second I saw Timber’s eyes, I immediately fell in love with him. He has the sweetest face. Timber is deaf so it was hard to get his attention, but he was definitely trying to get in on the Frisbee action. Lily is obsessed with her Frisbee and I loved her curly coat. I had a great time photographing this wonderful and talented family.”
From Charity: “Timber and Lily are both from a wonderful working farm. Timber came to us when we lived in Steamboat Springs Colorado and he is super smart and all about posing and attitude but at the same time is incredibly sweet and cuddly, hence his nick name is Hollywood. Sometimes we wonder if he is a person he knows a ton of words and knows he toys by name. He LOVES the car and if the car could be his dog house he would live in it. He used to try to heard the cars in the car, when they went by and would spin around when they passed. He loves playing Frisbee, hiking and swimming. He is also somewhat prissy and does not like to get his paws dirty he will walk around a mud puddle.
As he has gotten older he has mellowed out and he is such a sweet special dog and has such a huge personality.
He can’t get around like he used to and can’t see too well but he still likes to think he is champion Frisbee player.
Lily is princess Lily and all dog, she is super loyal and always by your side or hiding in the closet when you are not around. She has grown up as my pal at work and loves to go to the office.She had a special bond with our son and as soon as I was pregnant she was by my side and super protector and became mama Lily. She is an incredible athlete and plays a great game of Frisbee she also loves to swim and hike. She loves to get dirty and have fun and will tell you she never has enough attention.”
You can see more of this family here. Be sure to like Alice G Patterson Photography on Facebook to see her latest work.
About Alice G Patterson Photography: Based in Syracuse, NY, Alice is a bicoastal portrait, product and event photographer with an affinity for all dogs. Alice has three dogs of her own, Franny, Lulu and Darla.
How wonderful, thank you!
Thanks for the feature Beth!
Reminds me of my dogs, how I miss them. I’m hoping to remodel my kitchen soon, I’ll have to call this business when its time.