These photos from Sleepy Dog Photography really made me smile! I fell in love with Winston on Facebook and I’m so happy to share him with you!
From Ashley: “Winston is a 9 month old French Bulldog. I think in the pictures he was around 5 months old. He absolutely loves his older brother, Swagger, a rescue Boxer who is 6 years old. Winston spends most of his day being Swagger’s shadow. I usually bring Winston to our pet Nutrition center, Naturally Unleashed, once a week where he steals all the attention and greets every customer. He loves getting all natural treats and food from there. He is one spoiled pup who is living the good life.”
About Sleepy Dog Photography: Based in North Carolina, Amber and Jeremy Craig are pet photographers with three dogs of their own, Bella, Duke and Max.
He sure is a cutie!
Very cute!
Wow what a cute boy 🙂 Thanks for sharing him!
Winston is such a cutie!
I love his little wrinkly face!