I think dogs with smushed in faces are irresistible. So I was thrilled to see a submission with French Bulldogs, especially when it had three names attached. Vancouver pet photographer, Kathy, of Kathy Lui Pet Photography sent in these photos of Frenchies Jade, Crystal and Angelika. These three funny girls live together in British Columbia. Jade is the mostly black one, while Crystal and Angelika are more difficult to tell apart. Crystal has a heart shaped spot on her head, while Angelika is the baby of the family and has more white on her face than Crystal.
From Kathy: “I like Frenchies. No, I mean it. I really REALLY LIKE Frenchies. They are uber cute with their big heads and overall roundness. And they can make the funniest faces without even trying. If I had one, I don’t think I’d be able to stop smiling. I’m not sure how their mom manages to get anything done around the house.”
Visit Kathy’s blog to see more of Jade as well as Crystal and Angelica. You can also see more of Kathy’s work on her facebook page.
About Kathy Lui Pet Photography:
Based in Vancouver, BC, Kathy is a modern lifestyle pet photographer. She shares her home with a senior Chihuahua and an adopted cat. Kathy regularly donates her photography services to local shelters and rescues to help animals in need.
OMG! That FACE!!! So cute!!!
Love me some Frenchies!
I’m a fan of smushed faces, too! Adorable!
Eeek they are utterly adorable! x