Happy Friday! Thanks to Two Chics Photography for starting your long weekend with a great big smile! From Shauna: “Blake and his best friend, Flash, have been best buds since the day he came home from the hospital. Blake was just 9 days new in the image.”
Flash is a three year old Basset Hound.
From Angie (Blake’s mom): “Flash is Blake’s babysitter! When he was tiny, Flash would walk the perimeter of the blanket to keep him on it! Now that Blake is mobile, that dog chases and plays with him! Flash also loves food/snack time so he is never far away when Blake is eating. These two are true partners in crime.”
Be sure to visit Two Chics Photography blog for some delightful wedding and portrait sessions! You can also see their latest work on facebook.
About Two Chics Photography: Based in Warner Robins, Georgia, Shauna and Jessica are wedding and portrait photographers with a fresh, creative and fun style.
We hope you have a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend! Enjoy this week’s links!
Temporary Tattoos for Your Dog
Best Buddy Pillow
Simple and beautiful DIY rainbow paracord dog collar(or modify it for a bracelet)
To most people, June 11 is Just One Day. But, June 11 is a day that will change everything for about 10,000 companion animals, and a day that can change the world. On June 11, 2013, we can be a No Kill nation. Encourage your local shelter to join!
Keeping Pets Out of the Shelter
Another Great reason to Share on Facebook
How to Help Pets Affected by the Oklahoma Tornado
Normally I try to find a funny or cute video, but when I read this post with the best advice for capturing a scared dog, I knew I had to share the video here.
Upcoming Events
May 24 Yappy Hour, Brewster, MA
May 25- July 6th Walking Tour: All the President’s Pups, Mt. Vernon, VA
May 25 Rub-A-Dub Race for Rescues, Oklahoma City, OK
May 26 “ARF-Mazing” Race, Burlington, ON
May 30-June 1 Rock for Paws, Van Couver, BC
May 30-June 2 DockDogs Western Championship, North Las Vegas, NV
June 1 Lab Rescue Dog Walk, Annapolis, MD
June 2 Bark in the Park Festival, London, UK
June 7 Brews for Barks, Denver, CO
June 9 Bark for Life of New Hampshire, Auburn, NH
June 9 Park Slope Dog Dash, Brooklyn, NY
June 13 Paws for a Heart, New Rochelle, NY
June 29 Paws and Stripes: Celebration of Heroes, Albuquerque, NM
July 13-14 No Kill Conference Washington, DC
July 28 Suffolk Dog Day, Helmingham Hall, Suffolk, UK
June 30 Join the Proud pups from Muttville at the Pride Parade, San Francisco, CA
July 13 Patriots Rovers Benefit Ride and Concert, High Point NC
Sept 22 Paws in the Park, Toronto, ON
If you have an upcoming event and would like to see it posted here, email rescue (at) dailydogtag.com.
Such an ADORABLE photo! As someone who has tried to help several stray dogs throughout the years, I wish I had seen this video earlier… super informative.